For Business Owners
Increase your sales today
For business owners, the NVD blue card can drastically increase your sales. By increasing advertising of your business the blue card can bring in more customers due to the incentivized plan. The blue card offers a discount or incentive for participating businesses.
What you need to know?
The NVD blue card works in partnership with Northern Valley Demarest High School and local businesses. The blue card aims to increase the visibility of your business. The Blue Card offers a certain offer on items or services selected by you. Customers will be allowed to show their Blue Card and participating businesses and receive a discount or incentive on purchases from the business. All money from the Blue Card profits will be invested in either the NVD school store, business clubs, or charity purposes. First and foremost, the Blue Card drives attention to partnering businesses. With the use of Blue Cards, individuals throughout the area are made aware of various businesses and can familiarize themselves with them.
What is Blue Card?
The blue card is a discount or incentive card that can be purchased through the school store. We offer free advertising that hopes to increase sales for local business owners. As part of the program, we strive for your business to gain more recognition within the community and will increase your sales.
Have Any Other Questions?
Let's Begin
To create an agreement between NVD and business owners, those interested in sponsoring the blue card must fill out and sign the form. The signing of the form leaves an identifying mark that confirms your identity and demonstrates your consent to the contents of the document.